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Sunday Service

English Service

9:00 am

Korean Service

10:50 am

Sunday School

9 am & 10:50 am

Our services are a time where we gather together as a Christian family to worship Jesus.


During this time we exercise our faith in corporate prayer, we sing praises to the Lord in hymns & spiritual song, hear the Bible being read and preached, participate in the sacraments, and share fellowship with one another. Every Sunday, our Church family shares in a joyful, worshipful celebration of God's grace and love through Jesus Christ.


Lord's Supper is celebrated during the service on the first Sunday in March, June, September and December and is open to anyone who claims Jesus as their Saviour.


We value living in community together as a church family. After the service we meet in the hal for fellowship over morning tea. Following the Korean service at 11:00am, there is further time of fellowship over lunch. We would love for you to join us!


Christian Education Ministry

Sunday School

9am,10:50 am

Youth Ministry

Sunday 10:50 am

Christian Education provides and seeks ways and opportunities to educate, inform and empower all ages. To discover and grow deeper in Jesus Christ and the church, preparing witnesses to speak and act as disciples.

Proverbs 1:7, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Children are as much a part of our congregation as anyone else. Please do not concern yourself about their noise- God made the wiggles in our kids! There are toys available at the vestry of the church for them to access at any time. Preschool, infants and primary kids are welcome to join our Kids Church part way through the service (during term time) where they enjoy worship, games and learning at their own level with teachers. At Sunday School we aim to help parents bring up their children in the Christian faith. The lessons are geared to help each child grow in the Christian faith, to understand the Bible, to learn of the Lord Jesus and be nurtured in Christian living. Each week the children have a varied program that may include singing, study, games & activities. Every Sunday during the 9am and 11am services.

We open the Word, pray, spend time in fellowship, enjoy fun activities, share lunch, and disciple our young people.

Music Ministry

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Our music ministry uplifts the kingdom of God through songs of praise and worship to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Psalm 95:1-2, Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

PWA (Presbyterian Women's Association)

The PWA has been a worshipping part of St Andrew’s since its beginning. We continually draw inspiration and strength from God, so that together we can meet the challenges of the future through shared and dedicated endeavour, remembering it is the Lord Jesus Christ we serve. The Entrance PWA is a branch of the PWA of Australia in the state of NSW. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10.00 am in the church hall for a time of prayer, business and fellowship. We occasionally invite a guest speaker to address us at our meetings and members are represented on standing and special committees areas. The PWA is dedicated to the ideals of Service, Prayer and learning.


a) PWMU (The Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union)

This committee is concerned with matters relating to world mission. The committee keeps in touch with missionaries through newsletters. This committee informs branches of missionary news and activities.


b) The Dorcas Standing Committee

Dorcas promotes the social outreach of the church. This ministry includes supporting aged care, chaplaincy in the children’s hospitals, and refuge centres. This committee also prepares sandwiches Bi monthly for the park patrol (feeding the homeless in the parks).


c) The Home Mission and Church Extension Standing Committee

This committee is concerned with supporting the work of the ministry and mission department. It helps support the committee’s various projects with prayer and an annual donation. Some of the projects include support to the Presbyterian inland patrols, students studying for Ministry and church plantings in NSW.


d) The Christian Education Standing Committee

Seeks to assist branches and members of the PWA in delivering to people of all ages the gospel of the living Christ. Each year it presents a Time Out series for women to attend.


e) Presbyterian Market Committee

The Presbyterian Market committee runs an annual market day. This combined effort of women throughout NSW benefits some project of a different church department or committee each year.


Aims of PWA


​1. To unite women of the Presbyterian church throughout the state in a friendly comradeship for worship, mutual help and inspiration and for united service to Christ and his church in the local congregation, at home and abroad, by spreading the knowledge of God as revealed in his son Jesus Christ, and to provide a channel for information, expression of opinion and action in all matters which concern women;


2. to extend the range of Presbyterian women’s influence by co-operation and or affiliation with other organizations (other than political organizations) of a religious, educational, social, national and international character, working for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, upon such conditions and subject to such provisions as the State Conference may approve.



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